Most men don’t last longer in bed while intercourse with their desired partner, there are several reasons behind this problem and you need to figure it out immediately.
According to reports, around one in three men have issues with premature ejaculation through which men feel embarrassed in front of their partner.
Are you searching for How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally For Men? If yes, then we surely give you a natural solution that can easily enhance your intercourse timing.
Premature ejaculation might be a combination of multiple psychological and biological factors which directly affect your sexual period.
We are going to provide you with several natural and powerful strategies which can help you to stay long as you would like in bed. So, let’s directly jump into further tricks and tips which help you to achieve longer sexual encounters.
4 Factors Preventing You How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally For Men:
It is common for men to finish too quickly in bed only once in a while, but if you always ejaculate too quickly in bed and last not longer than a single minute of sex, then you may be need to diagnosed with premature ejaculation.
Also, it is difficult to pinpoint what exactly happens to your intercourse timing, but here are 4 points that directly affect your sexual health:
1. Experience
Your overall level of sexual experience can also affect how much you will last in bed with your desired partner. If you keep practicing controlling your emotions during intercourse, then it will really enhance your overall sexual performance.
2. Psychology
According to medical reports, anxiety plays a vital role in your sexual performance and it can ruin your sexual health within a short period. Premature ejaculation is linked with anxiety and you need to relax your mind if you want a healthy and long sexual period.
If you are feeling depressed, guilty, or stressed out then these things can also make you finish more quickly in bed. Also, if you have a poor body image then the chances of experiencing premature ejaculation are higher.
3. Higher Amounts Of Free Testosterone
If you are facing premature ejaculation then you tend to have a high level of free testosterone. The symptoms of high levels of free testosterone are feeling a loss of energy and experiencing low sexual drive.
4. Hyperthyroidism
Keep in mind that premature ejaculation is also caused by hyperthyroidism, which is a condition in which your thyroid gland of the neck generates too much quantity of thyroxine.
According to reports, if you are being treated for hyperthyroidism, then you will less likely to experience premature ejaculation and get better sexual health.
How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally For Men With 10 Easy Steps:
If you are struggling with finishing too quickly during sex with your desired partner, here are the 10 best and most natural things you can do to enhance your sexual intercourse timings.
1. Pause-Squeeze Method
This method can be done during masturbation or during sex, and it involves:
- Complete the sex period until you feel that you are now about to ejaculate.
- Then you need to pull out and squeeze the overall tip of your penis for multiple seconds.
- Now, finally, you can continue to have sex and repeat the same method.
2. Get support from your female partner
Getting support from your female partner can be the core part of the sexual process. To begin your sexual intercourse, you need to tell your partner that you want to try lasting longer in bed, and also need to ask the same thing from your partner.
With this flexible communication, your desired partner will completely understand what’s going on and it helps you to talk frankly about your feelings of frustration.
Once you open frank communication with your desired partner, you can easily discuss what triggers your orgasms and can easily try natural methods to practice lasting longer in bed.
3. Try To Use Condoms
While using condoms, your sexual intercourse period can be enhanced. Since premature ejaculation might be a result of hypersensitivity and using condoms is a better solution to help you last longer in bed.
Basically, condoms will form a barrier around the area of your penis that can effectively dull the sensation and it can help you to lead the delay in ejaculation.
4. Pelvic Floor Exercises
For the depth information, you need to understand that pelvic floor muscles just lie down under your prostate and also below your rectum, just like the other muscles. You can easily strengthen them with the help of effective exercises.
If you want to flex your overall pelvic floor muscles, then you need to act as if you are stopping from passing gas or peeing. To enhance the strength of these muscles, you strictly need to follow these steps,
- Tighten your overall pelvic floor muscles, for this purpose you can need just sit down to make it easier.
- Then you have to hold the muscle taut for almost 3 to 4 seconds.
- Then relax the muscles for almost 3 seconds.
- This exercise will help you the most and you have to repeat it for more improvement.
5. Change Position
When you change positions during intercourse, then it will require a take a bit of a small break and this method can slow your movements. While trying this method during intercourse, it allows your body to cool off and get ready for further orgasms.
6. Slow Your Roll
As it is clear, if you thrust quickly it will create intense stimulation and you will likely to orgasms after a short period. When you thrust quickly then it will make it harder to recognize the further subtle sensations throughout your body, and after this, you will not realize that you are getting close to orgasm.
So, you should move at a very lower pace, and also you should take shorter breaks during intercourse. Most partner likes to start a slower movement at the beginning of the sex.
7. Try Edging
Edging is a sexual process in which you are right to the edge of complete orgasms, and then you are stopping yourself to cool down by taking short breaks before starting again sexual activities.
If you are here to get information that how you can last longer naturally in bed, then you must need to repeat the edging process as many times as possible for you. This is the best natural process that gives you a long time to stay in bed with your desired partner.
8. Take Viagra
Viagra is usually prescribed for those men who are facing trouble keeping their erections for long period. While taking Viagra, you can enhance your ejaculation.
9. Take A Deep Breath
Taking breaks during intercourse is the best and most powerful way to stay longer in bed than you think. It is a great way to satisfy your female partner and you will be a stronger man for her.
Taking a deep breath during sexual activities can stop your overall body reflex to ejaculate. Deep breath also forces you to slow the overall rapid breathing and also slows the heart rate which is associated with reaching climax.
10. Make A Habit Of Yoga Regularly
When you adopt regular yoga practice, then it will help you to enhance your ejaculation for a longer period. There are various positive effects on the sexual health of doing yoga practices regularly, and it will surely influence overall performance in bed.
How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally For Men – Conclusion:
Almost every man is facing premature ejaculation and for this purpose, they want authentic depth information that How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally For Men.
Luckily, there are multiple methods through which you can easily enhance your sexual intercourse timings and also we give you the best 10 natural methods to stay longer in bed.
Moreover, some medications can help you to stay longer in bed, but the given above methods are will work great, and also they have no side effects on your health. So, you just need to try these methods as needed.